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Local development and democratisation

| Having a say in how

their local authority spends money, mechanisms for pursuing

complaints directly and swift access to officialdom – people

are satisfied with their municipality when it is responsive and

when public services are geared to their needs. Then they are

also willing to pay fees and taxes, and get involved themselves.

Just what a positive effect citizen participation has on

satisfaction in local authorities is demonstrated by the pro-

gramme ‘Local governance and civil society development’,

which GIZ is implementing in the Palestinian territories on

behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Coop-

eration and Development (BMZ). The programme is being

cofinanced by the development agencies of Denmark and

Switzerland. An independent evaluation mission has con-

firmed the success of the programme to date. It found that

overall satisfaction with local services has risen by 10 per cent.

In more than 130 municipalities, local non-governmen-

tal organisations, private-sector associations and women’s

organisations have so far helped decide how money is spent in

their local authorities – whether on a new road, a primary

school or a hospital extension. According to a survey, nine out

of ten people involved are satisfied with this planning proce-

dure. The ‘Youth Create Change’ initiative was launched to

increase participation by young people. In 2014 this initiative

was among the winners in the Council of Europe Democracy

Innovation Award. Almost 200 people are getting involved on

the ground, taking part in youth councils, planning action

programmes and motivating others to get on board.

Another exemplary approach is the one-stop shop

created in twelve municipalities. These offices provide people

with a single point of contact for the delivery of important

municipal services, ranging from water and electricity bills to

the licensing of businesses. Now that half a million people

have used the service and payment rates have risen by 20 per

cent, these shops are being opened right across the West Bank

and the Gaza Strip. This is being supported by the Municipal

Development and Lending Fund (MDLF). This fund was set

up for investment in local infrastructure and is being pro-

moted by GIZ along with twelve other development partners,

including KfW Development Bank.

Having a say is also the key to civic engagement in large

municipalities in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. When citi-

zens are involved in decision-making they are more likely to

become actively engaged, for instance in cleaning up their

beaches, beautifying public squares or building youth centres.

Since 2008 GIZ has been working on behalf of the BMZ to

strengthen local authorities in the Maghreb region in order

that they become agents for development and democracy in

their own countries. This involves supporting more direct

mechanisms of participation, such as local elections, promot-

ing local associations and modernising training systems for

local authority experts.

Here too, local governments have more responsive governance

on their agenda. If citizens want to apply for a building permit

or pursue a complaint, they can now do so through one of the

newly established citizens’ offices. Since many municipalities

in the Maghreb face similar challenges, knowledge sharing

between them is an important component of this project.

GIZ is organising this, partly through study trips to partner

cities in Germany. These enable delegates to benefit from the

lessons learned by local governments and associations in





| Corruption is one of the greatest constraints

to development, and leads to a waste of resources. By ‘cor-

ruption’ we mean the abuse of legitimate power for private

benefit and gain. This also includes bribery, accepting or

receiving gifts or other advantages, and employing or award-

ing contracts to closely connected or related persons. As a

federal enterprise GIZ is obliged to a particular degree to

use resources efficiently and transparently. Moreover, for

the projects we implement on behalf of the German Federal

Development Ministry (BMZ) we also have a binding frame-

work for action in the BMZ strategy paper ‘Anti-Corruption

and Integrity in Germany Development Policy’.

Within GIZ the Integrity Committee is the highest body

responsible for decision-making on all integrity-related pol-

icy issues. It is made up of the Chair of the Management

Board, the Labour Relations Director, the directors general

of the Commercial Affairs Department and the Human

Resources Department and the directors of the Legal Affairs/

Insurance and the Auditing Units.

GIZ has adopted a Code of Conduct that is binding for

all employees and business partners. It includes orientation

and rules on ethical conduct, and guiding principles for

action to ensure among other things equal treatment, coop-

eration in partnership and transparency. Two integrity advi-

sors and an external ombudswoman are available to offer

advice, and can be contacted should the Code be breached.

To prevent corruption in our service delivery pro-

cesses we use special IT systems. We also apply the rota-

tion principle, according to which staff members who hold

responsible positions in areas where the potential for cor-

ruption is high move to other positions at regular intervals.

GIZ intends to further develop its compliance man-

agement in the future. In the course of 2015 we intend to

establish a Compliance and Integrity Unit that will monitor

compliance with external and internal regulations and

requirements, and initiate pertinent improvements.


Anti-corruption and integrity

| Compliance with our Code of Conduct is an integral component

of all contracts of employment with GIZ. To supplement an obligatory induction module for

new staff and staff switching positions on all salary levels, GIZ added a further e-learning

module on ethical conduct in 2014. Staff members anywhere can update or extend their own

knowledge by accessing this module online. Using interactive elements and numerous exam-

ples, the module provides users with a practical understanding of how to prevent corruption

and maintain compliance. 


// Worldwide

// Worldwide


New online training measures

Palestinian territories – contact: 


Maghreb – contact:


(in German)

GIZ’s Code of Conduct: 

// Anti-Corruption and Integrity in German Development Policy:



Code of Conduct:

// Palestinian territories and the Maghreb

More responsive local government –

More citizen satisfaction


employees took part in

these training measures

between September and

December 2014.

GIZ Integrated Company Report 2014



Promoting good governance