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with the subject matter in greater depth during webinars with

guest speakers and open Q&A sessions. GIZ’s Academy for

International Cooperation (AIZ) provided the digital platform

and organised and ran the course. Upon completing the course

the participants were awarded a certificate. Yet MOOC is far

more than just an e-learning tool. It marks the starting point

for experts around the globe to begin networking sustainably

so that they can jointly address burning issues for the future.

Just how well global networking can work is demon-

strated by ‘Connective Cities’. This global platform for knowl-

edge sharing and joint learning unites local government

experts and ideas for sustainable development within a com-

munity of practice. The United Nations forecasts that by 2050,

two out of every three people will live in cities, with all the

foreseeable consequences: environmental pollution, gridlock

and social tensions. This creates enormous challenges for

metropolitan regions and cities in Africa, Asia, Latin America

and Europe. This is why GIZ, working on behalf of BMZ,

got together with Engagement Global/the Service Agency

Communities in One World and the Association of German

Cities Cities to establish Connective Cities. Whatever the

benefits – improved public services thanks to greater citizen

participation in Indonesia, innovative mobility strategies in

South Africa or renewable energy use in urban development

in Germany – all stakeholders will gain from the good prac-

tice examples and the know-how provided by experts from the

realms of administration, politics, business and civil society.

At workshops and training courses, through online portals

and through the involvement of German cities in interna-

tional cooperation projects, a strong alliance is being forged.

This alliance is responding to the problem of urbanisation

with tried and tested strategies for good governance and local

economic and urban development.

Stable financial markets and sustainable global eco-

nomic growth: to achieve this goal, the G20 countries have

been busy developing new standards for financial transactions

ever since the global financial crisis in 2007. Major alliance

partners in this process are emerging economic powers, such

as Brazil, China, Indonesia and South Africa. Since 2014,

BMZ has been funding the Emerging Market Sustainability

Dialogues platform, the aim of which is to support emerging

economies and industrialised countries in jointly developing

solutions to global economic and financial challenges.

These are then fed into the international reform processes of

the G20 countries. On behalf of BMZ, GIZ is managing the

secretariat of the dialogue platform and coordinating the

meetings. A meeting on the topic of financial markets in

South Africa, India and the USA, for instance, brought

together private investors and actors from ministries of finance,

central banks, stock exchanges and institutions such as the

G20 Financial Stability Board. The topics discussed included

financial stability in the major emerging economies, develop-

ing capital markets through the involvement of institutional

investors, and cooperation between regulatory authorities.

One first concrete outcome was the support provided to

South Africa in developing new legislation in the financial




Quality and effectiveness

| Responsibility for the quality of

our service delivery processes and quality within the

organisation rests with the organisational units concerned.

This is one of our most important managerial tasks. Our

employees in Germany and in partner countries are

resource persons and actors at one and the same time. In

their day-to-day work, they shape the quality of our products

and processes by feeding in their knowledge and by putting

our sustainability concept into practice. GIZ’s quality man-

agement measures involve using a range of instruments for

measuring, assuring and developing quality.

To continue developing the effectiveness, efficiency

and quality of our corporate performance, we conducted an

internal evaluation on scaling up and achieving broad

impact in 2014. Among GIZ’s commissioning parties, demand

is growing for project approaches that reach a maximum

number of people, local communities and regions. More

than 300 ongoing projects were included in the evaluation.

As a result, the topic is now being integrated into an exist-

ing training course on commission management, and, where

appropriate, systematically incorporated as an obligatory

component in offers, project design and the preparation of

new projects. With measures like these we are contributing

toward effective sustainable development and

gearing our efforts to delivering ben-

efits and satisfaction to our com-

missioning parties and partners.

We aim to deliver excel-

lent services efficiently and to

continuously improve our



// Worldwide

Getting better all the time

(in German)

Not only do we participate in the Global Compact – we

also support its implementation. Since 2001, GIZ – on behalf

of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation

and Development (BMZ) – has been home to the Focal Point

of the German Global Compact Network.


Corporate social responsibility

| GIZ has been a member of

the United Nations Global Compact since 2004. The company

is committed to the ten principles of this voluntary initiative

that promotes sustainable development and social engage-

ment. Every year we explain in a ‘communication on prog-

ress’ how GIZ is implementing and promoting the principles

in the fields of human rights, labour, environment and anti-

corruption. Since 2012 our communications on progress have

reached the ‘advanced level’. This means that as well as

documenting progress they also include other good practices

in the company, for instance regarding business activity in

fragile states and the transparency of our reporting. As part

of our risk management measures we use our business

partner screening procedures to verify whether the compa-

nies we intend to work with comply with the principles of

the Global Compact.

// Germany

UN Global Compact

MOOC – contact:


The United Nations University: 

// Academy of International Cooperation (AIZ):

(in German)

Connective Cities – contact:



Emerging market sustainability dialogues – contact:

Quality, results and evaluation:

In 2014,


ongoing projects were evaluated

in terms of the effectiveness,

efficiency and quality of

their services.

GIZ Integrated Company Report 2014



Well networked