Supporting climate-friendly forest management in Georgia
Project description
Title: Enabling the implementation of Georgia’s forest sector reform – ECO.Georgia
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Cofunded by: Green Climate Fund (GCF), Government of Georgia, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Country: Georgia
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture (MoEPA)
Overall term: 2021 to 2028

Georgia faces a continuing degradation of its forests. This means that their biodiversity is decreasing, and they can therefore store less and less CO2. The main reasons for this are the high demand for firewood from the rural population, environmentally harmful forest management, illegal logging and the noticeable effects of climate change. At all levels, there is a lack of data, regulations, practices and expertise to manage the forests in Georgia in a sustainable and biodiversity-friendly manner.
In 2013, the Georgian Government therefore initiated a comprehensive forestry reform. It is a particular challenge here to cushion possible negative side effects for the rural population.
The Georgian Government is implementing a forestry reform , thereby reducing forest degradation.
The project disseminates resource-saving forest management methods and energy efficiency measures. It also aims to improve the living conditions of rural households. To this end, it promotes capacity development and cooperation between the government, private sector and population.
Employees of the partner organisations receive training on the implementation of the new forest legislation. Partners include the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture (MoEPA) and its downstream agencies, as well as the regional and district authorities. So that the planned forestry reform can be implemented in the long term, the project is supporting the organisations in introducing new structures for environmentally friendly forest management.
The project provides product development support for producers of efficient wood-fired ovens and alternative fuels. It also advises the rural population in three pilot regions on energy issues. Moreover, the project is strengthening the skills of households and small businesses to facilitate their participation in forest-related value chains.
Last updated: August 2021