Expanding partnerships between TVET institutions and companies in Lebanon
Project description
Title: Improving the Quality and Attractiveness of TVET in Lebanon (QuA-VET)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Lebanon
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Education and Higher Education represented by the Directorate for Vocational and Technical Education (DGVTE)
Overall term: 2021 to 2024

Since the end of the civil war, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Lebanon has rarely gone beyond school education, providing only few opportunities to gain practical experience. This is because the Lebanese TVET system is not closely aligned to the labour market’s needs, nor does it systematically involve the private sector. After gaining their qualification, graduates therefore frequently remain unemployed for a long time or end up taking on jobs they have not been trained in.
The Lebanese labour market is characterised by a particularly low employment rate on the one hand and a large influx of foreign workers on the other. For a number of years now, low economic growth has been preventing Lebanese companies from benefiting from the growing number of workers, many of whom are young employees.
Improving training is a key prerequisite for ensuring the employability of (young) workers in the long run, enhancing employees’ productivity and eventually generating stronger, sustainable economic growth. However, at this point in time, neither Lebanese TVET institutions nor schools are able to put this into practice.

The quality of Lebanese Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in sectors with long-term employability potential is improved and responds to the country’s economic needs.
This project seeks to support the Directorate for Vocational and Technical Education (DGVTE) in aligning the Lebanese TVET system more closely with the country’s economic needs. To achieve this, the project will be focusing on the following three areas:
- The project expands cooperation between state TVET institutions and the private sector through newly established school advisory boards.
- It promotes training sessions designed for school staff.
- It improves practice-oriented TVET programmes on the maintenance of machines for production, health inspection and food safety. For the first time, students will receive training at companies.

Last update: October 2022