Building environmentally friendly value chains and promoting green jobs
Promotion of ‘green jobs’ through sustainable value chains (Green Jobs II)
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2023 to 2025
Products and expertise
Environment and Climate Change

In recent years, Morocco's economy has recorded steady growth. However, there are still few employment opportunities in rural areas, where the population faces major socio-economic problems, unemployment, underemployment and lack of access to government services.
At the same time, natural resources such as forest areas and national parks offer great potential for environmentally friendly management. This potential has not yet been sufficiently harnessed. With the Forêts du Maroc 2020-2030 forest strategy, Morocco aims to change this and promote sustainable value chains.
Users of forest and conservation areas have improved their income and employment situation and are taking nature conservation into account.

The project advises the national forestry agency and the residents and neighbouring communities of selected forest areas and national parks on environmentally friendly economic activities. It thus contributes to the protection of forest areas and national parks and improves the income and employment situation of the rural population.
To this end, the project is expanding the support services offered by public and private service providers for cooperatives and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). Together with the network partners, it shows stakeholders how to carry out economic activities successfully and in an environmentally responsible manner. It provides advice on product diversification and market development to green value chains with particular growth potential.
The value chains promoted include forest and natural products (aromatic and medicinal plants and honey), sustainable wood products (tree nurseries, ‘green’ charcoal) and ecotourism.
Last update: June 2023