Several people gather for a public performance.

Civil Peace Service: Using civil methods to manage violent conflicts

Civil Peace Service: Transformation of violent conflicts in the context of social inequality through methods of civil conflict management

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Runtime

    2009 to 2025

  • Products and expertise

    Security, reconstruction, and peace

Several people take part in a mediation.


Kenya is perceived as a stronghold of peace, stability and democracy within a fragile regional context characterised by political instability. Nevertheless, social conflicts rooted in socio-historical grievances often tend to escalate violently, in most cases leading to land and resource disputes.

Although the peaceful 2022 presidential elections brought some political stability, the country still faces major challenges. These include a very wide range of issues, to name only a few: chronic poverty, youth unemployment, crime, terrorism and unequal distribution of natural resources, which are at the core of ethnic based conflicts in the country.

The programme cooperates with other civil peace service (CPS) organisations and seeks not only to promote peace by preventing violence and transforming conflicts but also by enhancing the capabilities of actors in Kenya to identify and effectively respond to escalation of violence.


Local actors in Kenya are handling conflicts that relate to social inequality without the use of violence, thus promoting social cohesion in communities.

Four people take part in an awareness campaign.


The CPS has been supporting civil society partner organisations in Kenya since 2009 and increasingly governmental partner organisations as well. The present focus is on the following activities:

  • Promoting peace journalism through campaigns for conflict-sensitive reporting in the media and more coverage of peacebuilding topics.
  • Developing alternative justice systems and establishing dialogue structures to resolve conflicts without violence.
  • Providing mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) for traumatised victims of violence, injustices, poverty and a lack of prospects. Employees in partner organisations also receive this kind of support to empower and encourage them to take part in dialogue processes.
  • Creating a positive change in the attitudes of the general public, government representatives and politicians to promote socio-economic justice.

Last update: June 2023