Achieving better energy efficiency in Pakistan's cities and industry through better systems
Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Concepts in Cities and Industry (REEE-SCALE)
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2020 to 2023
Association for Development of Local Governments (ADLG), municipal services, authorities for development
Products and expertise
Sustainable infrastructure

Producing sufficient, environmentally friendly energy is a major challenge for Pakistan’s government. In recent decades, energy requirements have increased due to steady economic growth and increasing urbanisation.
Pakistan's population is expected to grow to 245 million people by 2030, with around half living in urban areas. The energy supply needs to increase by about 3.3 per cent annually.
Pakistan has one of the highest rates of energy consumption in Asia with regard to the economy. Until recently, however, energy efficiency was a low priority for policymakers. With rapid urbanisation, municipalities are now starting to focus on measures for energy efficiency.
Pakistan is taking measures aimed at improving the operation of its municipal energy management systems.
The REEE-SCALE project supports Pakistan’s government in implementing an energy management system in selected cities to create the basis for a more sustainable energy situation in the long term.
The project contributes to improving energy efficiency in selected institutions in partner cities and municipalities. It provides support with the following four points:
- Implementing an energy management system (EnMS) in municipal departments
- Managing digital energy data
- Increasing awareness and developing skills to achieve energy efficiency with little or no investment
- Disseminating successful approaches and initiating political dialogue
Last update: October 2023