Advising on international digital policy
Advising on International Digital Policy
German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV)
Japan, Republic of Korea, Singapore
Political sponsors
2023 to 2024
Products and expertise
Economic development and employment

In a connected world, international digital policy is essential. Digital policy measures can, for example, strengthen legal certainty and fair competition on the internet. In order for the German Government to shape the framework conditions of the digital transformation on an international level, it is important that it consults representatives of business, academia and civil society. This will ensure that the government’s actions meet current needs and achieve meaningful results in the long term. The consultations with stakeholders are important for the German Government’s strategic planning and digital policy exchange with partner countries.
The German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) receives advice on international digital policy and works with German stakeholders and important partner countries to create better framework conditions for the digital transformation.
The project coordinates the Stakeholder Forum International Digital Policy, in which stakeholders from the business community, academia and civil society share their views and key topics in the field of international digital policy with BMDV. This ensures that BMDV remains informed about needs and current challenges.

The project also organises International Digital Dialogues between BMDV and its partner ministries in Japan, South Korea and Singapore. The Digital Dialogues offer a platform for regular and direct exchange on digital policy issues, which also includes the business community, academia and civil society. The focus is on topics such as internet governance, data policy, the digital economy and emerging technologies. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH coordinates high-level meetings and the exchange of expert knowledge, brings stakeholders together, and advises BMDV on digital policy developments in partner countries.
Last update: February 2024