Standards and Certification Study Tour: Building the green hydrogen and PtX economy

Regulations, codes, standards, and certification are pivotal elements driving the progress of a green hydrogen and PtX economy. They facilitate smooth and transparent trade for nations positioning themselves for export opportunities. In this regard, a study tour on Standards and Certification, funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, occurred in Germany from the 13th to the 17th of November 2023. The primary objective of the tour was to promote active participation in the standards-setting process and provide valuable exposure to international best practices, especially in countries that have made significant strides in Renewable energy and green hydrogen standards and certification.

Participating in the study tour were delegates from CSIR, Freeport Saldanha, National Metrology Institute of South Africa, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Eskom, eThekwini Municipality, and the Department of Forestry Fishery and Environmental. The tour included visits to various sites, such as NOW GmbH who are collaborating with other entities in the implementation of the Germany Hydrogen Strategy. The tour also visited ISCC which focuses on sustainability certification systems, and DNV who are experts in developing safety and performance standards in renewable wind energy. Research institutions like FZ Jülich, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, and TH Köhln emphasized the role of research and innovation in the sector. Additionally, visits to the Port of Hamburg and F. Laeisz offered insights into how ports and the shipping industry are preparing for the PtX and Green Hydrogen Economy. H2 Global delivered a presentation on funding instruments.

Thobeka Mchunu, GIZ highlighted that the tour coincided with South Africa's efforts, led by the South African Bureau of Standards Technical Committee 197, to define green hydrogen in the South African context. Ashton Swartbooi, part of the CSIR delegation, underscored the rapid growth of technology in the green hydrogen and PtX economy, emphasizing South Africa's need to lead in setting codes and standards, leveraging its wealth of experience across different industries.

The South African delegation, led by Thobeka Mchunu, Marvelous Sibuyi, and Marius Strotjohann, participated actively in this enriching experience.
