Industrial plants with chimneys in the background

Legal advice on a climate-friendly, socially just transformation of the economy

Legal advice on Just Transition processes and improving the capacity of efficient judiciary

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2024 to 2026

  • Products and expertise

    State and democracy


The Mongolian judiciary is in a process of ongoing reform. Its workload has more than doubled in the last ten years, leading to unnecessarily lengthy proceedings. This affects the public and businesses alike. Given uncertain investment protection, foreign investors in particular are reluctant to invest in Mongolia and thus create jobs and reduce poverty.

The legal framework for the just transition, a climate-friendly, socially just transformation of the economy, is also important for investors. The Mongolian Government would therefore particularly like to create and improve the legal basis for energy efficiency and renewable energy. This will also have benefits for the population and for environmental and climate protection.


Businesses and the public in Mongolia have better access to legal services. The Mongolian judiciary is more efficient and the legal framework for the just transition has been expanded.


The project provides expert advice to the Mongolian energy regulatory authority on implementing the Energy Efficiency Act. The aim is to improve the legal environment, especially for the just transition, and create a positive investment climate.

The project promotes the specialist skills of the judiciary by providing training and political advice. It also helps build the expertise needed to establish and operate a central digitalisation centre. In this way, the judiciary can provide citizens and companies with user-friendly and effective access to legal redress.

The project also advises the Mongolian Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs (MJI) on identifying relevant topics for regional cooperation between Mongolia, China, Japan and South Korea. This cooperation allows representatives of the judiciary to share ideas internationally. At the same time, the project supports the Supreme Judicial Council in implementing training for judges and trainers in order to improve access to legal services.

Last update: January 2024