Rehabilitation and Upgrading of the Lui Water Supply System

Project description

Title: Rehabilitation and Upgrading of the Lui Water Supply System
Commissioned by: Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation
Financier: World Bank
Country: South Sudan
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation
Overall term: 2011 to 2012


The drinking water currently available to the people of Lui is of poor quality, as a consequence of which there is a high incidence of diarrhoea and tuberculosis cases. In the 1920s, British missionaries built a basic water supply system in Lui, but this was entirely destroyed during the Sudanese civil war.

The local communities united to fight these water-borne diseases. In 2009, acting through the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation as the commissioning party, they approached GIZ for assistance with the construction of a new water supply system.


The supply of water to the rural population during the dry season has improved.


Up to 17,000 people are to benefit from a supply of high-quality drinking water. To achieve this, a supply system is being constructed that will ensure adequate access, especially during the dry season. The existing system is being rebuilt and expanded. The work involves the completion of land surveys and structural designs, as well as the construction of a reservoir for untreated water, the water treatment facility and the water distribution network in Lui. An operator model is being developed to run the facilities, and the staff in charge of operation and maintenance receive the relevant training.

The project is part of the World Bank’s water infrastructure programme for South Sudan.

Results achieved so far

The water works have entered into operation, and GIZ is running the water supply for the first six months on behalf of the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation.

The engineers working in the partner ministry have enhanced their knowledge and skills. Representatives of the local communities were involved in both the planning and the construction work.