Sustainable consumption and production patterns

Project description:

Project description: Advancing and measuring sustainable consumption and production (SCP) for a low-carbon economy in middle-income and newly industrialized countries (Advance SCP)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB)
Countries: Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines
Lead executing agencies: Thailand: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Pollution Control Department (PCD)
Indonesia: Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLH) Malaysia: Economic Planning Unit Philippines: Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
Overall term: 2015 to 2018


A 10-year framework of programmes (10YFP) on sustainable consumption and production patterns was adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in September 2002. The aim of this framework is to introduce globally sustainable consumption and production methods, with a view to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) plays a crucial role in this initiative. It serves as the 10YFP Secretariat. All countries have been invited to nominate a National Focal Point to facilitate implementation of the 10YFP at national level.

The work of the 10YFP is carried out through specific thematic programmes focusing on consumer information, sustainable buildings and construction, sustainable public procurement, sustainable tourism, and sustainable lifestyles and education. A further programme on sustainable food systems has also been launched. The consumer information programme is co-led by the German Federal Environment Ministry, Indonesia and Consumers International. Activities include the development of guidelines for credible consumer information at the UN level, support for ambitious label systems and the dissemination of good practices.

Sound consumer information and sustainable public procurement are two key milestones for sustainable consumption and production. Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines have already made good progress with regard to the introduction of eco-labels for climate-friendly products and the use of these in public procurement. However, more still needs to be done to harmonise eco-labels within the region in order to facilitate trade in environmentally friendly products. Economic and financial incentives for producers and consumers are also lacking.


Climate-relevant criteria are integrated into existing eco-labels in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. Eco-labels are mutually recognised by the individual countries. Use of the eco-labels is attractive for companies.


The project team focuses on four countries in South-East Asia, while UNEP concentrates on two countries in Africa and two in Latin America.

As a first step, the project team develops systems that inform consumers about sustainable goods and services with the help of eco-labels. The main target groups are government organisations, companies and private consumers. When issuing eco-labels, emphasis is placed on methods that take into account the life cycles of products, thus assessing them from a climate perspective. A handbook on nationally appropriate mitigation action (NAMA) is being developed as part of the project. NAMA is a voluntary climate policy instrument that offers developing countries and emerging economies the opportunity to participate in global efforts to mitigate climate change. The handbook aims to offer decision-makers guidance on exploring opportunities for NAMAs that can be realised within the 10YFP.

UNEP provides technical support and training measures to back up GIZ’s project activities and thereby promote the introduction of ‘sustainability information systems’ in the individual countries. These are to serve as the basis for informed consumer decisions that lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions and better resource efficiency along the entire value chain. The project team identifies industries with significant potential for carbon dioxide savings in order to create consumer ‘sustainability information systems’ for products manufactured primarily in these industries. Through training, decision-makers in public procurement are given the knowledge they need to prioritise environmentally friendly products with eco-labels and to use the ‘sustainability information system’ to find out more about the environmental sustainability of products prior to procurement.

The project team uses regional and inter-regional platforms to foster the sharing of information across borders and continents. In conjunction with the partners in the four countries, it is developing joint criteria for eco-labels that will facilitate the mutual recognition of labels in the individual countries.