Introducing dual vocational training in Kenya
Project description
Title: Promotion of Youth Employment and Vocational Training
Commissioned by: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Kenya
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Education (MoE)
Overall term: 2019 to 2022

Kenya is one of the ten leading economies in sub-Saharan Africa and East Africa’s most developed industrial nation. Despite a stable economic environment and a resilient services sector, unemployment is on the rise for the growing population of young people. The failure of vocational training to cater to industrial sector needs means there is a lack of qualified professionals who could raise productivity and foster growth.
In response, the Kenyan Government is now reforming the vocational training system. It plans to improve access to training, as well as its quality and relevance. Private sector input could make vocational training less theoretical and more needs-based. So far there are, however, not many examples on how the private sector can be involved in vocational training. One solution could be dual training, in which individual training modules could take place within companies.
Kenya is reducing youth unemployment by improving its vocational training system.

The project is helping seven national training institutions to upgrade to centres of excellence and to pilot a dual (cooperative) vocational training model. Training centres develop their curricula for selected trades in collaboration with industry experts.
There is a strategic focus on:
- Expanding the cooperative vocational training programme;
- Training trainers to effectively deliver the cooperative training model;
- Digitising learning content for blended training in at least three vocational areas; and
- Improving the capabilities of state agencies to coordinate and regulate vocational education and training.
This training model aligns with the Competence-Based Education and Training (CBET) curriculum. It also promotes collaboration between the private sector and training institutions to develop innovative solutions that better prepare trainees for the world of work.