Shaping sustainable development: implementing the 2030 Agenda and reducing poverty and inequality
Project description
Title: Sector Project 2030 Agenda, Reducing Poverty and Inequality
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Country: Global
Overall term: 2012 to 2024

In September 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda, in which the member states set themselves 17 goals for a sustainable economic, social and environmental development (Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs). The agenda calls for solidarity that leaves no one behind (LNOB). Ending poverty in all its forms and reducing inequality remain two of the greatest global challenges of our time – and are therefore dedicated development goals (SDG 1 and SDG 10).
Global challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and conflicts are jeopardising the SDGs. Implementation of the 2030 Agenda is more important than ever in order to increase resilience to (multiple) crises.
Implementation of the 2030 Agenda is promoted in Germany, with cooperation countries and internationally. Effective approaches for reducing poverty and inequality and for the LNOB implementation principle are strengthened in German and international development cooperation.
The project supports the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in better incorporating spillover effects, meaning the impact of actions in Germany at a global level, into the German Sustainable Development Strategy. It also helps to position BMZ in international processes, for example those of the United Nations and the European Union. Together with cooperation countries, the project promotes systemic approaches in the areas of policy-making, financing and accountability in the field.
In addition, the project advises BMZ on strategies, control instruments and positioning with regard to reducing poverty and inequality and implementing LNOB. It develops and disseminates strategies, methods and experience-based knowledge for German and international development cooperation.
With the Recover Better Support Fund, the project contributes to ongoing sustainable recovery and improved resilience to crises in the cooperation countries.

Last update: November 2022