Successfully implementing Colombia’s NDCs
Project description
Title: NDC support for Colombia
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Country: Colombia
Lead executing agency: Colombian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
Overall term: 2019 to 2023
Experts expect the number and intensity of extreme weather events to increase over the coming years. In Colombia, this is indicated by heavy rainfalls, heat waves and ongoing droughts. In light of this, the country has specified in its nationally determined contributions (NDCs) that it will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20 per cent by 2030, and by as much as 30 per cent with international support.
Climate change is becoming increasingly challenging, particularly in fields such as agriculture, one of the most important sectors of the economy. For example, irrigation costs are rising while agricultural yields are falling. Colombia’s climate policy therefore also aims to support the population and the private sector in dealing with the impacts of climate change. Examples of actions that might help to better adapt agriculture to climate change include more efficient irrigation techniques, insurance policies or heat-resistant seeds. This is a basic prerequisite for the country’s successful long-term development.
The Colombian Government as a whole is facing the challenge of implementing its NDCs on time. It has established a national coordination platform for climate change (SISCLIMA). SISCLIMA is the institutional framework within which various public and private sector actors can contribute to the NDCs at national and local level. The platform is run by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and the National Planning Department.
The Colombian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development efficiently and effectively coordinates cooperation on climate change action and adaptation measures with relevant public and private sector actors.

The project supports the Columbian Government with coordinating cooperation on climate change action and adaptation to the effects of climate change. To this end, it prioritises agricultural supply chains. The project partners are mainly interested in those areas of agriculture that connect rural and urban areas. Criteria for their selection are a possible reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, a particular vulnerability to climate change, the number of people affected, and the significance for the Colombian economy.
The project also provides support on piloting measures to adapt to the impacts of climate change and on the reduction of greenhouse gases in the selected supply chains.
The project is strengthening the national climate monitoring system in order to better map climate change in Colombia. The experience gained from pilot measures will be incorporated into this. There are also plans to include the requirements of climate negotiations and overarching indicators.
Finally, relevant climate institutions receive assistance. For example, SISCLIMA receives support to increase the efficiency of NDC implementation. The lessons learned can be applied to other areas and regions. Together with SISCLIMA, the project develops project proposals for the further financing of NDC measures and submits them to financing institutions. City administrations and regional governments are also provided with planning instruments for climate change adaptation and mitigation.