An environmentally friendly and efficient approach to freight transport (TRANSfer III)
Project description
Programme title: Towards Climate-friendly Transport Technologies and Measures (TRANSfer III)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety (BMU) as part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI)
Country: Global programme involving activities in Indonesia, Peru, the Philippines and Thailand
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC)
Overall term: 2017 to 2021

The economic upswing in Peru has led to an increase in trade and therefore a greater demand for freight transport. However, a lack of infrastructure and an outdated vehicle fleet are making the transport industry inefficient and resulting in high pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions. This is making the country less competitive. Peruvian freight transport is almost four times as expensive as other countries in South America due to high fuel consumption rates, among other factors.
The Peruvian Government has set itself a target of making freight transport more efficient and came up with a development plan for transport logistics in 2014. Improving freight transport is a matter of urgency if Peru is to meet the international climate objectives to which it is committed. These measures will also play an important part in the drive to achieve sustainable economic growth in Peru.
The Peruvian Government is implementing strategies to make freight transport more productive, sustainable and efficient, and thereby reduce greenhouse gases.

The project is being implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and financed by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). The activities in Peru are part of a global programme addressing three different areas:
- Mobilisation: implementing the ‘MobiliseYourCity’ partnership
- Preparation: creating favourable conditions for reduction measures
- Building confidence: offering knowledge products, training and dialogue
In Peru, the project is helping the Peruvian Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) develop strategies and action plans for making the freight transport sector more efficient and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Priority objectives are promoting ecodriving, i.e. an energy-saving driving style, and modernising the country’s fleet of trucks.
The project is devising training courses on the subject of ecodriving. These will help save on operating costs and reduce emissions. To promote fuel-saving driving within the freight sector even further, the Ministry has formed a working group and asked it to come up with reforms for issuing and renewing HGV licences. A new ordinance on licensing is set to introduce mandatory ecodriving training as part of the half-yearly renewal process for HGV licences.
The Ministry of Transport and Communications has announced it is making renewal of the freight vehicle fleet a political priority. The aim of the project is therefore to take up to 22,000 trucks that are over 25 years old off the roads by 2030. A national scrappage programme is currently being devised as one of several incentive systems designed to accelerate the modernisation process.
The project is also helping exchange expertise on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from freight transport. To this end, it is arranging events, running continuing professional development courses for specialists and setting up working groups made up of national and international experts.