Lots of colourful geometric shapes. © iStock.com/studiostockart


At GIZ, diversity is the norm. A diverse workforce means a diversity of lifestyles, perspectives and ideas. This diversity enhances GIZ’s work because it leads to more creative and innovative solutions. That is one of the keys to success. 

GIZ is keen to ensure that all staff are able to realise their full potential. To achieve this, it promotes a respectful working environment and a corporate culture based on appreciation and trust. GIZ rejects all forms of discrimination. This is how we ensure participation and equal opportunities for all. 

GIZ has embedded diversity within its values and culture.
We are aware that many people experience multiple discrimination simultaneously, based on characteristics such as age, gender, religion or ethnic background.

Staff members have their say

A picture of Janina Fischer, Diversity Commisioner at GIZ and the following quote: Diversity within the company makes us demonstrably more successful and more innovative. It's not just a nice-to-have, it's a must-have.

A picture of Anthony Okelo of GIZ African Union and the following quote: GIZ's diversity of ethnicity brings varied perspectives, cultural competences and innovative ideas to address global challenges.

A picture of Sarwat Sughra, diversity manager at GIZ Pakistan and the following quote: I value GIZ's commitment to religious diversity because it creates an inclusive environment where individuals from diverse faith backgrounds can collaborate, learn, and contribute to shared goals.

A picture of Linh Nguyen Duy from GIZ Viet Nam and the following quote: Growing up, I always struggled giz with my queer identity. Working with GIZ, I've found the peace within myself because my colleagues embrace diversity in every walk of life and are committed to protecting universal human rights.

A picture of Alexander Nebelung, Co-Founder of the Ostwind employee initiative and the following quote: Representation at all giz levels is important - also for people with a background in Eastern Germany. We are committed to this at GIZ.

A picture of Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel, Chair of GIZ's Management Board and the following quote: The diversity of our employees and the great potential of diverse teams are essential for GIZ's long-term success.

A picture of Klara Buttgereit, Apprentice at GIZ and the following quote: Age diversity ensures a constant exchange of knowledge and experience between young and old. At GIZ, we work across generations and thus achieve optimal work results.

A picutre of Stefanie Latter,Representative of employees with disabilities and the following quote: Diversity is variety and inclusion is the glue that connects the dimensions. We learn and grow together as people and as a company. A genuine experience.

What GIZ does to promote diversity

  • All managers participate in mandatory diversity training. 
  • Staff can take part in continuing education and training courses on diversity. 
  • GIZ has appointed commissioners for diversity, gender and inclusion to promote diversity within the company.  
  • GIZ has adopted a diversity policy and mainstreamed zero tolerance against all forms of discrimination within the company’s system of rules. 
  • GIZ pursues a policy that is geared towards different life stages and has been certified as a family-friendly employer for many years.
  • Together with GIZ’s equal opportunities commissioners and representatives for employees with disabilities, we promote equality within the company and the inclusion of people with disabilities. 
  • GIZ creates awareness and acceptance of diversity through measures such as action days. 
  • The company supports staff initiatives on diversity worldwide. 

GIZ is a signatory to the Diversity Charter. It is actively involved in the seven dimensions of diversity:


Additional information

Working in mixed-gender teams is the norm at GIZ. We endeavour to use gender-appropriate language because we want everyone to feel that they are being addressed. As an employer, GIZ strives for equal pay for equal work and offers part-time arrangements and parental leave for all genders, including those in leadership positions. More on this topic:

Our Gender Strategy | GIZ Integrated Company Report

GIZ promotes inclusive teamwork and ensures that working environments are as barrier-free as possible. It also offers support for staff with disabilities. More on this topic:

Inclusion at GIZ - Integrated Company Report 2020

Action Plan on Digital Accessibility


GIZ’s workforce is a reflection of diverse societies. We have people from 121 nations and different ethnic backgrounds working in mostly intercultural teams. Many of them are also active in international and intercultural professional networks. And many colleagues volunteer in staff initiatives in areas such as cultural diversity, anti-racism and post-colonialism. More on this topic:

Cooperate in diversity | GIZ Integrated Company Report

40 nationalities, one team: GIZ at the African Union (youtube.com)

At GIZ, we create an inclusive working environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) people. The company supports employee networks such as the Rainbow Network and other company interest groups. More on this topic: 

Outstanding equality: the GIZ office in Mexico (youtube.com)

Cooperate in diversity | GIZ Integrated Company Report

At GIZ teams are made up of people of all ages. We make sure that all generations in the company treat each other with respect. Mentoring programmes promote the two-way transfer of knowledge between young and old. GIZ’s occupational health management programme and the Academy for International Cooperation (AIZ) help staff of all ages to stay fit both physically and professionally. Flexible working hours and conditions create space for individual health care and care for family members. More on this topic:

Health management

Cooperate in diversity | GIZ Integrated Company Report

Information for school students

Information for students and graduates

GIZ – an award-winning employer

GIZ respects the diversity of its employees’ religious beliefs and worldviews. At many locations, it provides a ‘quiet room’ where employees can retreat for prayer. Staff can also find meals in the canteens that comply with their religious practices. More on this topic:

Cooperate in diversity | GIZ Integrated Company Report

At GIZ we value every member of staff, regardless of their social background. The company supports each individual in their personal and professional development through personalised career support. More on this topic:

Information for school students – giz.de

Cooperate in diversity | GIZ Integrated Company Report

An illustration and the following text: 41,4 is the average age of our workforce

An illustration and the following text: 47,2 per cent of leadership posts in Germany and abroad are held by women

An illustration and the following text: GIZ has 36 staff initiatives on various topics

An illustration and the following text: GIZ employs people from 155 countries

Additional information

  1. Diversity is an inherent part of our value system and the strategies and structures of GIZ.
  2. We benefit from the diversity of our employees’ ideas, knowledge, outlooks and life plans and value these as a fundamental part of our company’s success.
  3. We create a corporate culture in which we are respectful and appreciative in the language we use and the action we take. Diversity is an essential component of our value-oriented corporate culture.
  4. We create an atmosphere of trust, respect and acceptance in which all employees feel at ease.
  5. We encourage diversity, participation and equal opportunities in the company.
  6. We provide information to our employees on diversity, raise their awareness and create opportunities for dialogue.
  7. Managers have a special responsibility due to their position as role models. They appreciate, value and harness diversity in the company and set an example by their own conduct for the company’s approach to diversity.
  8. We do not tolerate marginalisation or discrimination in any form.


Portrait of Janina Fischer, Diversity Commissioner at GIZ.

‘Diversity is not just a nice-to-have‘


A picture of Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel, Chair of GIZ's Management Board

Interview: ‘Diversity is what we are all about’