Female teacher Explaining Arithmetic at the blackboard © GIZ/Thomas Imo/photothek.net

Social development

A peaceful society worth living in is based on basic social policy values, such as equality of opportunity, solidarity and participation. Long term social policy investments in society promote sustainable development and economic growth. Education, health and social protection systems provide people with an opportunity to develop from their own resources and live independently. More – education and health are human rights.

Education is a powerful driver of development. We promote formal and informal education in preschool, basic education and university education. To make optimal use of the potential of young people, we develop concepts for economic and social integration and empowerment of youth.

A hospital waiting room, a child and a nurse schematically depicted with written information about health care.

Books, a board and two people behind a school desk schematically depicted along with written information on education.

People and a man with a stethoscope and a syringe schematically depicted with written information about health care.

A man and a woman behind a workbench depicted as schemes with written information about vocational training.

A child and a woman and a health card depicted as schemes and written information on health care.

Two people wearing hard hats behind a desk with computer schematically depicted with written information about vocational training.

Strengthening preventive health services is an important contribution to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For more than 25 years we have been assisting partner countries to establish and reform health care systems and to combat pandemics and tropical diseases. In order to protect people living in poverty against risks of life, we cooperate with our partners to develop regionally adapted social protection systems, such as health- and micro-insurances.

Based on these needs, we adapt our successfully proven techniques and tools to the needs of our partners. Our extensive networking keeps us in constant touch with international organisations, initiatives and foundations.


*The results data outlined here relate to the review year 2021.

Additional information

  • Global health security

    GIZ supports the establishment of robust health systems to prevent the uncontrolled spread of health risks.

    Global health security

  • Universal Health Coverage

    Everyone should have access to health care. Although there is widespread consensus on this, the realization of this objective calls for comprehensive solutions. This is where the concept of universal health coverage (UHC) comes in.

    Universal Health Coverage

  • Education

    Education is a human right and the key to sustainable development. That is why GIZ supports the development of effective education systems in its partner countries.


  • Universities and research institutions

    Universities and scientific research influence all areas of society and are therefore central to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals.

    Universities and research institutions

  • Population dynamics and demographic change

    GIZ advises governments with a view to enabling them to analyze, anticipate and manage the consequences of demographic change – and  shape them for sustainable development.

    Population dynamics and demographic change

  • Inclusion of persons with disabilities

    Strengthening the rights and opportunities of persons with disabilities is also the responsibility of development cooperation.

    Inclusion of persons with disabilities

  • Youth and sport

    Young people need perspectives for the future. Youth work and extracurricular educational activities – combined with sport, for example – help them to assume responsibility for themselves and for society.

    Youth and sport

  • Social protection

    Social protection is a prerequisite for poverty alleviation and for inclusive and sustainable development.

    Social protection

Additional information


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