Technical Support for the Comprehensive Technical Education Initiative with Egypt (TCTI)
Project description
Title: Technical Support for the Comprehensive Technical Education Initiative with Egypt (TCTI)
Commissioned by: Federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Egypt
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Education and Technical Education (MoETE), Egypt
Overall term: 2021 to 2025

Egypt's population is expected to grow from around 104 million today to 120 million in 2030 with a 60 million people strong workforce. A large proportion of it will enter the labour market in the next ten years. At the same time, Egypt’s economic growth has been weakened by the COVID-19 pandemic, among other things. The current annual growth rate is 3.5 per cent. This situation poses a serious challenge for Egypt to equip its huge workforce with comprehensive vocational skills in order to integrate them into the labour market.
The framework conditions for dual vocational education have been improved in accordance with the national reform strategy, Technical Education 2.0.

TCTI focuses on laying the foundation for comprehensive quality improvement and stronger labour market orientation of the dual Vocational Education Training (VET) system. It also trains Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) personnel and actively involves the private sector to ensure the labour market relevance of today’s students.
The project relies on the following approaches:
- It supports the MoETE in introducing quality management to schools and establishing a new Centre for the Enhancement of Quality Assurance in Technical Education (CEQAT).
- It introduces an independent TVET certification and accreditation system (ETQAAN) for which trained ministry staff develop and implement a standard to certify and license TVET organisations.
- It promotes the establishment of the TVET Academy (TVETA). To this end, it trains TVET professionals and staff to ensure that the most recent teaching and training methods are used.
- It strengthens the cooperation between private and public sectors to design and manage the dual TVET. Additional coordination and decision-making bodies at regional level (Technical Amanas) are established and a new assessment system is implemented.
- It improves conditions to implement dual TVET in companies, schools and centres of competence. For this purpose, teachers, inspectors, school management, labour organisations and in-company trainers are trained on TVET quality management tools and processes.
Last update: December 2021