Generating income for disadvantaged groups in Lebanon

Project description

Title: Support for disadvantaged, peripheral neighbourhoods through Cash for Work measures in Lebanon (C4WL)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Lebanon
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Social Affairs, MoSA
Overall term: 2021 to 2024


Lebanon is in the midst of a structural economic and financial crisis. More than three-quarters of the population lives in poverty. Given the duration and the extent of the crisis, poorer sections of the population, in particular, have exhausted all coping strategies. At the same time, Lebanon has taken in a large number of refugees due to the crisis in Syria. Competition for declining public services and jobs is leading to increasing tension between refugees and members of the host communities.

As a result of the difficult economic situation, budgets for public infrastructure and support services for vulnerable households are decreasing sharply. Young adults, women and people with disabilities are particularly affected.


Refugees and residents of host communities are better able to cope with the crisis.


This project creates temporary job opportunities (Cash for Work) for vulnerable households in North Lebanon and Akkar. Participants have 40 days of work, for which they receive an income. Workers improve the local infrastructure, for example by making public areas look more attractive. Some of them also prepare meals for vulnerable households in community kitchens.

The measures are supported by local planning and steering committees, whose members include representatives from local government, civil society organisations and the population. The project has a special focus on the needs of women and people with disabilities. By positively impacting their communities, Cash for Work participants can also boost their self-confidence and mental health.

Last updated: March 2022