Strengthening good governance and decentralisation
Project description
Title: Promotion of responsible governance
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Mauritania
Lead executing agency: Ministère des Affaires Economiques et de la Promotion des Secteurs Productifs (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Promotion of Productive Sectors)
Overall term: 2022 to 2024

Mauritania is one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world. Despite its relative resource wealth, the desert country in the west of the Sahara recently ranked 157 out of 189 countries in the Human Development Index. In terms of per capita income, the country ranked just 169th.
This situation is mainly caused by, among other things, corruption, weak institutions, inefficient administrative structures and unclear decision-making processes. The project is making an important contribution in these areas to strengthening good governance and supporting the development of modern institutions and processes.
Financial transfers from the state to local authorities are significantly increased and the capacity of partner local governments to deliver is improved thanks to increased own revenues and efficient, digital and transparent administration.

The project is based on three components:
- For one, it is optimising management of the implementation of the national decentralisation strategy. Here, the focus is on supporting the General Directorate for Local Governments (DGCT), particularly when drafting new laws.
- For another, it is improving the instruments for long-term funding of communities and regions. This means greater financial transfers from central government and a new financial equalisation mechanism for the benefit of communities lacking financial resources. What’s more, communities are being helped to increase their own revenues and to manage these efficiently and transparently.
- Furthermore, the project is supporting the development and use of participation platforms that interested citizens can employ to play a role in political decision-making processes. This is also intended to improve the environment for implementing local and regional development plans created in a participatory way.
Last update: February 2022