Developing skills and capacities to promote the implementation of Rwanda’s Nationally Determined Contribution

Capacity Development for the Implementation of Rwanda’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2022 to 2026

  • Involved

    Rwanda Green Fund (RGF), Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA), Rwanda Private Sector Federation (PSF), Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Rwanda Meteorology Agency (Meteo Rwanda), Rwanda Climate Change and Development Network (RCCDN)

  • Products and expertise

    Climate, environment, management of natural resources

A farmer standing in a field, holding a knife in her hand


The impacts of climate change pose a major risk to Rwanda’s emerging, agriculture-intensive economy. The Rwandan Government has therefore set itself ambitious targets in its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). It has established an extensive framework to promote climate action and resilience in the country.

The Government now needs support to enhance the coordination and financing of the NDC. It also needs structures which can provide scientific advice on climate policy so that it can implement the NDC and embed the climate targets in policy, the economy and society.


Conditions have been improved to enable the NDC to be implemented by governmental and non-governmental actors in Rwanda. The Rwandan Government is giving greater consideration to scientific knowledge on climate in this context.



The project provides technical and organisational advice, and is thus developing the skills and capacities of the staff of Rwanda’s Ministry of Environment. This then enables the Ministry to coordinate the NDC with public institutions, the private sector and civil society. There is also a focus on expanding NDC progress tracking and reporting. This Ministry can then update the climate targets on the basis of scientifically validated decisions.

The project also develops the technical and organisational capacities of selected institutions and their staff, in order to integrate the NDC into relevant policies, strategies and plans. In this way, it is facilitating better NDC progress tracking in these areas and contributing to higher-quality data.

Companies’ access to financing for NDC measures is being improved. Banks and other financial institutions are receiving support in developing green financial products.

The project also connects research stakeholders – especially with women participants who are working on climate change in Rwanda. Scientific expertise is made available to the Ministry of Environment and policy-makers on a targeted basis.

Last update: May 2023

People sitting together at a table and taking notes

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