Developing an energy transition strategy by creating a legal and regulatory framework and transferring technological knowledge

Promoting the Transition of the Energy Sector in Viet Nam (TEV)

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  • Commissioning Party

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Lead executing agency


  • Overall term

    2022 to 2025

  • Products and expertise

    Sustainable infrastructure: water, energy, transport



Viet Nam needs significant investment in electricity generation and grid expansion in order to keep pace with rising demand. At the same time, the country is endeavouring to meet its international climate commitments and is striving for energy security.

As a result, Viet Nam is focusing more on renewable energy. The use of solar energy, in particular, has increased rapidly in recent years, thanks to short-term support measures. However, there is still a need for long-term planning with regard to the development of the power sector. The social and economic impacts of electrification also need to be taken into account, as this issue has not been given enough attention in energy-policy decisions so far.



The Vietnamese Government is using its enhanced understanding to implement the strategic, legal and technological requirements for a long-term, environmentally friendly energy transition.


The project provides support for the development of a long-term policy strategy for the energy transition, as well as the establishment of a legal and regulatory framework. In this context, the early transfer of knowledge about energy technologies boosts confidence that an energy transition is feasible. This includes improvements in the areas of renewable energy, energy efficiency, power grids and sector coupling.

The project has three main fields of action:

  1. It enhances the skills of experts and managers when it comes to developing the strategic framework for the energy transition. There is a focus on the socio-economic impacts, in order to offer stakeholders in the Vietnamese power sector the necessary guidance for their investment decisions.
  2. The project seeks to strengthen capacities for the implementation of the energy transition strategy and the establishment of the legal and regulatory framework for renewable energy, grid integration, demand-side management and sector coupling.
  3. In addition, it ensures that technical experts and managers who work for grid operators and the Electricity Regulatory Authority learn more about technological solutions that promote the energy transition.

Last Update: June 2023

Eine Person in Arbeitskleidung und mit Sicherheitshelm installiert Solarmodule auf einem Dach in Vietnam.

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