Strengthening the socio-economic participation of vulnerable groups

Strengthening municipalities to improve the socio-economic participation of internally displaced people, people on the move and vulnerable groups

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2022 to 2026

  • Products and expertise

    Security, reconstruction, peace


Due to years of civil war, the situation in Libya is marked by violent conflict and changing power constellations. As a result, large numbers of people have been displaced. At the same time, Libya is a destination and transit country for people on the move from other countries.

Many municipalities face challenges integrating internally displaced people, people on the move and vulnerable groups socially and economically.


In selected communities in Libya, vulnerable population groups have access to improved income-generating opportunities and can participate socially.


The project implements vocational training measures in selected communities, based on a needs analysis of the local labour market.

The trainings are aimed at vulnerable population groups, including internally displaced people, people on the move, women and people with disabilities. They will be tailored to the needs of the target groups and offers those concerned opportunities to improve their income.

The project also supports events that promote dialogue between different population groups and improves cohesion among them. Sporting and cultural events, for example, or civil society dialogue events.

In addition, through training and organisational advice, the project works to enhance the knowledge and expertise of relevant stakeholders so that they can plan and implement measures for the participation of vulnerable groups in the communities and are sensitized on diversity topics. In participatory processes, social cohesion is also to be mainstreamed within local community plans.

Last update: July 2023