Project header image: Women laughing as they sit next to one another in a conference room. © PreViMujer/GIZ (2022)

Preventing violence against women

Prevention of Violence against Women II (PreViMujer II)

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2021 to 2024

  • Products and expertise

    Governance and democracy

Façade of Ecuador’s Polytechnic University, featuring a mural. © PreViMujer/GIZ (2022)


Violence against women is a serious social and economic problem. It undermines respect for human rights and has negative impacts on the public health system. In Ecuador, around 65 per cent of all women are affected by gender-based violence. According to a study produced by the project, violence against women costs the economy around USD 4.6 billion each year.

Ecuador introduced an integral law to protect women from violence in 2018, is committed to gender equality, and has ratified both international and regional agreements to prevent violence and discrimination against women. Nonetheless, the challenges in implementing effective preventive measures remain immense.


The state, the private sector, civil society and the media are more effectively preventing violence against women in Ecuador.

Several people accepting the public-private accreditation ‘Sello Empresa Segura’. © PreViMujer/GIZ (2022)


From knowledge to change: The project carries out scientific studies and thus motivates various stakeholders to prevent violence against women. Ecuador’s Polytechnic University is currently implementing a comprehensive prevention model on the basis of one of these studies. Civil society organisations present the studies in parliament in order to call for change or to support draft legislation. The public-private accreditation scheme ‘Safe company: Free from violence and discrimination against women’ recognises businesses that are taking action on this issue.

Gender equality in management: The project has developed a management model for the prevention of violence against women which promotes long-term change in corporate management. Business associations and private companies invest in campaigns for the prevention of violence against women and raise awareness among their staff. Ecuador’s Ministry of Labor offers online courses developed by the project.

Critical reporting: The project advises media outlets on innovative digital products and fact-based reporting on this issue. Storytelling is used to convey data and facts about violence against women. Radio programmes are also used to reach the rural population.

Illustration of a set of scales. On one side of the scales there are two women, while the other side features a clock, money and books.  © WAMBRA (2022)

Last update: June 2023

Additional information

GIZ magazine akzente

‘If I start a business, it must support women’

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GIZ Ecuador on gender