A person is working on a laptop.

Supporting digital transformation in Benin

Beninnovation – Strengthening digital transformation in Benin

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  • Commissioning Party

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Lead executing agency


  • Overall term

    2022 to 2025

  • Products and expertise

    Economic development and employment

A man with a microphone explains something to another man at an exchange format for user-orientated administration services. Copyright: GIZ


The Beninese Government has identified digitalisation as an important lever for accelerating economic growth. With that in mind, the Government has introduced a number of reforms aimed at structuring the digital sector and ‘making Benin the digital platform of West Africa’. Steps already taken include the improvement of digital infrastructure, establishing specialised institutions and creating appropriate regulatory instruments.

Nonetheless, shaping the digital transformation of the public administration and private economy successfully remains a challenge.


The Beninese Government is successfully leveraging the innovative potential of the local private sector for the digitalisation of its public services.

A young woman smiles and holds a sign reading ‘AI Wizards’ at the ideas competition for young digital entrepreneurs. Two more young people stand behind her. Copyright: GIZ


The project is part of the concept ‘Digital Transformation Center Benin’. Work is underway in the ministries to improve the skills of those employees working on digitalisation so that they can implement innovative approaches for digital transformation in cooperation with stakeholders of the private sector.

Additionally, the project is setting up a project pipeline specifically geared towards the local private sector to increase the visibility of business potential in this segment. Drawing up methodological guidelines increases the understanding of administrative processes and the technical standards required for digitalisation.

The project elaborates co-creation proposals for institutions to enable the collaborative development of innovations for use in the digital transformation of the public administration.

The project enables selected digital companies in the private sector to make an effective contribution to processes focusing on digital transformation within public administration and to develop inclusive, user-orientated services.

Last update: July 2023

A man holds a microphone and speaks into a camera at an event on digital inclusion. Copyright: GIZ

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