Providing better protection and care for people affected by sexual violence in Ethiopia

Response to Survivors of Conflict-Induced Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2023 to 2025

  • Products and expertise

    Security, reconstruction, peace


Women in Ethiopia are disadvantaged because they usually have to look after the house and children while men study or go to work. This distribution of roles is underpinned by laws and social norms, making it more difficult for women to access education, income and political participation.

In addition, violence against women is widespread. The civil war in the north of the country has exacerbated the situation. Rape, abuse and discrimination are being deliberately used as weapons of war there.

The Ethiopian Government is endeavouring to provide comprehensive care to all the survivors of this kind of violence. However, these efforts do not really focus on the women’s actual needs and there is a lack of equipment and resources.


In selected regions of Ethiopia, women who have survived sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) have better access to needs-based support and care.


The project targets women affected by violence, women’s organisations, relevant health facilities and the communities. It comprises the following measures:

  • The project organises medical goods and training sessions to enable the health facilities to provide medical care and psychological support that meets the needs of survivors of violence.
  • In the communities, the project works with local women’s organisations, young people and influential public figures. It aims to promote gender equality, work on traumas, eliminate discrimination, prevent violence and end the exclusion of women who have survived violence.
  • The project also funds equipment and training for women affected by violence so that they can set up a business and earn their own livelihood.

Last update: July 2023