Improving governance and making civil society stronger in Uganda
Strengthening Governance and Civil Society in Uganda
German Federal ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
The European Union (EU)
Political sponsors
2022 to 2026
Office of the Auditor General
Products and expertise
Governance and democracy

Uganda’s Constitution highlights the country’s commitment to the principles of good governance and international agreements to promote human rights. However, the third National Development Plan (NDP III) acknowledges that weak accountability systems and high levels of corruption hamper development in Uganda. This challenge is being addressed by institutions responsible for the efficient and effective use of public funds. For its part, the Uganda Human Rights Commission contributes to the realisation of human rights in the country. Numerous sub-national and national civil society organisations contribute to service delivery in the country.
However, all these efforts are constrained by lack of capacity and scarcity of funds. In addition, state and civil society actors continue to struggle to ensure that their actions are consistent with the principles of good governance - transparency, accountability, effective administration, human rights, and political participation.
The relevant state and non-state actors in Uganda are better able to fulfil their respective roles in terms of accountability, adhering to the principles of good governance and realising human rights
The project has three main components:
- Strengthening accountability
The focus here is on improving accountability, fighting corruption and making better use of public funds by supporting the Office of the Auditor General, as well as other accountability institutions and civil society organisations. - Improving human rights and conducive environment
This component supports partners in, implementing a human rights-based approach to policymaking in line with the principles of participation, accountability, equality, empowerment and legality. - Supporting civil society in Uganda
This part of the project work promotes a regulatory and operational environment for civil society organisations that involves meaningful and structured participation of civil society in inclusive development processes and makes civil society organisations more responsive and resilient.

Last update: May 2023