Digital Transformation for Inclusive Entrepreneurship in Ghana (DTEG)
Digital transformation for sustainable development in Ghana
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2023 to 2025
Products and expertise
Economic Development and Employment

In Ghana, micro-enterprises that are not registered with the government have yet to benefit sufficiently from digitalisation. Instead of serving as a lever to improve job opportunities and earnings, digital transformation is currently exacerbating inequalities. Compared to larger, tech-savvy companies, unregistered micro-enterprises often face more difficulties accessing markets, customers, banks and loans.
Companies, especially informal micro-enterprises, are using digitalisation to improve their economic situation.

The project operates in three areas:
It enhances the competencies of public stakeholders and promotes cooperation between national and regional authorities. This includes working with civil society organisations and innovation centres to impart digital skills as well as advising on digital solutions that support business development. It also helps to involve regional and local decision-makers with the aim of improving cooperation within the digital ecosystem.
The project supports micro-enterprises by improving access to apps and digital platforms. It also assists providers of digital solutions with creating and developing training programmes and apps for micro-enterprises.
Through advice and support programmes, the project also improves digital business skills so that women-led micro-enterprises can apply digital solutions.
Last update: June 2023