Promotion of innovation in agriculture
Fund for the Promotion of Innovation in Agriculture (i4Ag)
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
European Union
Political sponsors
2020 to 2028
Multiple partnerships with the public and private sector as well as non-governmental organisations
Products and expertise
Rural development and agriculture

Agricultural innovations being developed in Germany’s development policy partner countries have a huge potential for success as they build on local framework conditions and future target groups’ needs. Although this potential needs these promising ideas to transform agricultural systems in a way that protects resources, many remain undiscovered or only partially implemented. The reason for this is often a lack of or patchy support, or unsuitable political framework conditions. In addition to this, structural and cultural reasons make it difficult for women and young people to access these innovations which means their important contribution as users and developers is lost.
Employment opportunities and income are being created as more gender-sensitive innovations in agriculture are put in place which ensure food security, climate change adaptation for smallholders, and protection of natural resources such as soil, water, and biodiversity.

The fund supports the ‘Transformation of Agricultural and Food Systems’ special initiative by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
- It promotes agricultural innovation in the fields of technology, partnership, and processes. Topics include mechanisation, digitalisation, renewable energies, agricultural research, policy and trade, and cooperation with the private sector.
- Among other things, it supports innovators who are developing specific and self-sustaining business models which include gender-sensitive and gender-transformative strategies, and ensures that lessons learned are shared, for example, through events and learning platforms.
- The fund also actions emergency assistance measures which alleviate the impact of global food crises, for example those caused by the COVID-19 pandemic or the war of aggression in Ukraine. Topics include preserving food, procuring seeds and machinery, and training on agricultural practices.
Last update: August 2023