Joint efforts for a just energy transformation: takes action
Global Energy Transformation Programme (
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
European Union (EU), Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS), The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Political sponsors
2018 to 2026
ARGE Partners for Innovation B.V.; ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability Africa; ARGE GFA Consulting Group; Association Energynautics GmbH; Access to Energy (A2EI) gGmbH
Products and expertise
Sustainable infrastructure: water, energy, transport

The world faces the key challenge of drastically reducing CO2 emissions while at the same time meeting the increasing energy demand in developing countries and emerging economies. This is crucial for a climate-friendly and socially just transition and an enormous global effort is called for in order to achieve it. International cooperation therefore needs to take a coordinated European approach to actively and specifically support partner countries in their reform efforts.
The conditions for investment in a global and socially just energy transformation have improved as part of a coordinated European approach.
The multi-donor platform seeks to pool European resources and makes a contribution to achieving the international energy and climate targets.
The project receives funding from the European Union, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden and Austria. It operates on a global scale, but places a special focus on the African continent as that is where the need for investment in sustainable and climate-friendly energy systems is greatest. aims to accelerate the socially just energy transformation in strategic, political and practical terms, using three complementary measures:
- GET.invest mobilises private investment in renewable energy. To this end, it advises companies on developing bankable investment projects and obtaining access to funding.
- GET.transform advises public partners on designing and implementing their energy transformations.
- The Secretariat of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) promotes strategic, political dialogue between Africa and Europa on an equal footing.
Through cooperation with public and private partners, the project thus lays the foundations for a concerted, holistic energy transformation.
Last update: December 2023