A hut stands in a hilly, partly green landscape.

Supporting refugees and host communities in Northern Uganda

Support for refugees and host communities in Northern Uganda

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  • Commissioning Party

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Cofinancier

    European Union (EU)

  • Country
  • Lead executing agency


  • Overall term

    2018 to 2025

  • Other Stakeholders

    AFC Agriculture and Finance Consultants

  • Products and expertise

    Security, reconstruction, peace


With over 1.5 million refugees, Uganda is the largest refugee-hosting country in Africa. The Government is pursuing an open-door policy.

The arrival of refugees and the overall growth in population in the West Nile region of Northern Uganda have increased pressure on available resources. This has economic, social, development and humanitarian consequences.


Local administrations are better able to deliver services. The employability of young people and the development of rural areas have been expanded. The environment and gender equality are taken into account.


Local administrations are better able to deliver services. The employability of young people and the development of rural areas have been expanded. The environment and gender equality are taken into account. The project supports local authorities in planning and providing basic government services for refugees and host communities. Activities include capacity building measures for staff.

Contributions are also made to improving the resilience and self-reliance of refugees and the local population. Vocational education and training can provide particular support to women and young people in finding work. The project also aims to increase income generated from smallholder farming.

It works together with the Ugandan Ministry of Local Government (MoLG).

Last update: July 2024