Boosting the economy in Kosovo’s Prizren region
Innovation and Training Park (ITP), Prizren
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Government of the Republic of Kosovo
Political sponsors
2019 to 2026
Products and expertise
Economic development and employment

Kosovo’s economy has made considerable progress in recent years. But despite steady growth, it continues to rely on support and development assistance. Compared to other European countries, per-capita gross domestic product (GDP) is low. Kosovo has high unemployment and a low average level of formal qualifications in the population. At the same time, Kosovo has one of the youngest populations in Europe, making it potentially attractive also for foreign direct investments.
The economic situation in Prizren, Kosovo’s second largest city, is similar. Although the tourism industry is growing, expansion in other economic sectors is slow. Besides tourism and catering, the main employment opportunities are in retail and factories. However, most of these pay comparatively low wages and do not offer chances for career advancement.

The Innovation and Training Park (ITP) in Prizren is promoting innovation, business development, company start-ups and skills development in the region.
The project is developing an Innovation and Training Park in Prizren. A mix of private sector, academic research bodies, state institutions and NGOs provide for a constant innovation focus. Most are from information and communications technology (ICT)-related branches and the cultural and creative sector, but the park is open for other innovation-oriented companies and institutions. The park contributes to the project goals by:
- providing services and space for start-ups and training facilities, business support services and a reliable physical infrastructure,
- setting up a Digital Transformation Centre offering digitalisation support to business processes as well as digital skills development,
- building the park’s organisational and operational structures, its management system and the advisory services required for businesses and training service providers,
- ensuring the maintenance and modernisation of the physical assets of the park, including developing marketing and communication strategies for the park.

Last update: August 2023