Strengthening resilience among the population of Nineveh in Iraq
Strengthening resilience in dealing with crises and conflicts in Nineveh (SRN)
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2020 to 2025
Products and expertise
Security, Reconstruction and Peace
Years after liberation from the so-called Islamic State, Nineveh continues to struggle with the devastating consequences of the armed conflict. Many internally displaced people still cannot return to their homes. Tensions and mistrust between different ethno-religious population groups are high and trust in the state to provide security is low. There are limited income opportunities, especially for young people, and local administrations cannot provide sufficient social services. Large parts of the infrastructure are destroyed, resulting in limited access to public social services like schools or water systems. There are no strategic plans to rebuild the city, either locally or internationally, which causes barriers to returning home.
The population of Nineveh in Iraq has become more resilient towards crises and conflicts.
A low level of tension and an environment of trust is a precondition for safe and dignified returns. The Strengthening Resilience in Dealing with Crises and Conflicts in Nineveh (SRN) project promotes social cohesion by building local peace structures and enabling people to solve disputes peacefully.
To strengthen livelihoods, the project supports people, especially young adults, in finding new prospects for employment. This provides households with a better income and allows them to actively take part in the local economy.
Being resilient requires access to education and public services. Therefore, SRN builds and rehabilitates social public infrastructure, which significantly improves the living conditions in the area and allows internally displaced persons to return home.
The combination of social cohesion, better livelihoods and reconstruction addresses the multiple crises in Nineveh at the same time. On the whole, the actions will strengthen the resilience of the local population including internally displaced people (IDPs) and returnees.

Last update: June 2023