Modernising TVET in Jordan
Supporting the Jordanian Educational Institutions in Offering Labour-Market-Oriented Vocational Training
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
European Union, Global Affairs Canada (from 2024 onwards)
Political sponsors
2023 to 2026
Products and expertise
Economic development and employment

The Jordanian technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system requires more effective steering and training that is geared to companies’ needs and for both women and men to have equal access. Current training courses hardly touch on environmentally sustainable economic development. This means that Jordan’s TVET system is not fulfilling its central function to produce skilled workers that can drive broad-based and environmentally sustainable economic development
The TVET system in Jordan has improved in the areas of governance, labour-market relevance, gender equality and environmental sustainability.
The project enables those responsible for TVET in Jordan in the public and private sectors to modernise the system and its interfaces with the higher education system. Important aspects include labour-market relevance, climate change and the environment (green skills) and gender equality.
To this end, the project advises Jordanian TVET institutions on the following measures:
- Establishing accreditation systems for training providers and programmes
- Systematically involving the private sector, including financial mechanisms
- Incorporating green skills into curricula and course content at selected model institutions
The programme also provides training for teaching staff at selected institutions. It supports them in making curricula more gender-equitable and raises their awareness of the need to integrate girls and women in rural regions into training programmes.
Last update: November 2023