Promoting peace and victims’ rights in Colombia
Consolidation of Peace in Colombia (ProPaz II)
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2021 to 2025
Agency responsible for reconstruction in regions that have been particularly affected by the conflict (ART), the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), the Truth Commission (CEV), the Unit for the Search of Disappeared Persons (UBPD), Agency responsible for Victim Reparation (UARIV), Public office for land restitution (URT), the regional governments of Caquetá, Meta and Norte de Santander, as well as regional, local and national social organisations and education institutions.
Products and expertise
Security, reconstruction, peace
The Colombian peace process shows how even decades of conflict can be resolved through diplomacy and constructive dialogue. However, the implementation of the 2016 peace agreement faces challenges. In recent years, new armed groups have emerged that are trying to take control of lucrative illegal economic sectors. This has led to an increase in violence against civil society actors, former combatants, activists and human rights defenders.

Through the peace agreement, transitional justice institutions are addressing injustices committed, returning expropriated land and convicting perpetrators with a restorative approach. They ensure long-term peace in society and guarantee the rights of the more than nine million victims of the armed conflict.
Victims’ rights are protected in processes of truth, justice and reparation and are implemented locally, regionally and nationally.

The project operates in four fields of activity:
- Involve victims in truth, justice and reparation processes by facilitating access and providing psychosocial support, taking into account the needs of ethnic communities.
- Improve coordination between institutions by promoting joint consultation on the implementation of measures for truth, justice and reparation.
- Facilitate dialogue on the collective experiences of victims through the systematisation of various dialogue and encounter formats for intercultural and interethnic dialogue.
- Promote peace in municipal administration by improving transparency mechanisms and inclusive participation . Art, culture and sports, among other things, are used to develop the skills of institutional and social partners both nationally and regionally.
Last update: January 2024