Colourful fabrics hang in front of a house. ©GIZ/Aneek Anwar

Integrating persons displaced internally due to climate change in Bangladesh (INTEGRATE)

Strengthening capacities for urban integration of internally displaced persons and supporting host communities in Bangladesh (INTEGRATE)

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2023 to 2027

  • Products and expertise

    Environment and climate change

A self-employed seamstress sits at a sewing machine with her son. © GIZ/Aneek Anwar


Bangladesh is one of the countries hit hardest by climate change. Millions of people are already being forced to leave their homes, mostly in rural areas, and seek refuge in urban areas. This is leading to the rapid growth of informal settlements with precarious living conditions. Existing problems in the cities such as underemployment, overburdened infrastructure and poverty are made worse as a result.

Women and people with disabilities in the informal settlements are particularly hard hit. They have to overcome major issues to engage in activities outside their household or have their own economic prospects. They often lack access to the information, financing and training necessary for gainful employment or starting a business.


The economic participation of persons displaced internally due to climate change and residents of host communities has improved. This primarily affects women and people with disabilities in informal urban settlements.

Women learn block batik to start their own business. © GIZ/Aneek Anwar


The project supports women and people with disabilities in setting up and developing small businesses and cooperatives. By helping them to establish their companies, innovative services and products on the market, they can generate a regular income and improve their economic and social participation.

The range of social services for residents of informal settlements is improved by introducing inclusive and gender-equitable standards. This enables the most disadvantaged population groups to stabilise their living situation in the long term.

The project also supports municipal authorities in developing socio-economic integration strategies for women and people with disabilities. Among other things, it creates inclusive and gender-sensitive training and employment opportunities in local companies.

Last update: February 2024

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