Entrance to the health centre along a dirt road in Zintan, in the western part of Libya. © GIZ/Mohamed Kanah

Improving primary health care provision

Improving Primary Health Care Provision, Libya

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2018 to 2025

  • Involved

    United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Primary Care International (PCI) and International Medical Corps (IMC)

  • Products and expertise

    Social development

A technical advisor from a partner organisation holds a baby doll during a presentation to train nurses on mother-child health.


Due to the ongoing political and economic crisis and security situation, the health system in Libya is fragmented and weakened. State-run primary health care centres are unable to ensure adequate health care provision and access to health services is difficult for disadvantaged populations groups. This includes girls, women, people with disabilities or in need of psychosocial support, victims of gender-based and other forms of violence, older people, internally displaced persons and migrants.



The quality of and access to primary health care services for disadvantaged population groups are assured in selected municipalities and contribute to social cohesion.


In cooperation with the Ministry of Health, the project is working in 12 communities in Libya on the following measures:

  • Health committees are being established in which local decision-makers and representatives of disadvantaged population groups have a voice in the planning of primary health care provision. Correspondingly, the management skills of local health authorities are being strengthened.
  • In 26 primary health care centres, staff are receiving training on topics such as maternal and child health and nutrition, mental health, non-communicable diseases as well as on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). The focus is on the individual’s health needs and expectations. In addition, basic medical equipment is being provided and the water and sanitation facilities improved in selected health centres.
  • Mental health representatives for psychosocial support services are networked, who then liase between communities and health centres.
  • Epidemic prevention is promoted through the event-based surveillance approach. Epidemics are to be recognised at an early stage and responded to accordingly. During the COVID-19 crisis, immediate support was provided for the testing and treatment of COVID patients.
Many people from the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) network weave a web of threads between themselves during a training session.

Last update: April 2024

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