Five trainees at a solar power system; a teacher explains the equipment. © GIZ

Strengthening technical and vocational education and training for the socially just, green and digital economic change

Programme Reform of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Viet Nam III

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2024 to 2027

  • Products and expertise

    Economic development and employment

A woman works on water treatment equipment.


Viet Nam is economically one of the fastest-growing countries in Asia. Industry, the service sector, and the digital economy are driving this development. However, there are risks to long-term growth, as there is a lack of skilled workers, and women, people with disabilities and ethnic minorities have less access to decent employment. Another negative effect of economic growth is high resource consumption and the impact on the environment and the climate.

In view of these challenges, the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system is crucial in preparing the country for a socially just, digital, and environmentally friendly transformation (a just twin transition). It needs to qualify skilled workers with future-proof competences. At present, however, TVET is not accessible or inclusive enough and it is not geared towards the needs of the economy.


The TVET system in Viet Nam contributes to the socially just, green and digital transformation.


The programme promotes the development and expansion of cooperation between vocational training institutes, businesses and civil society. The cooperation aims to increase the relevance, quality, and attractiveness of TVET. The programme also advises policymakers on developing the legal framework for dual technical and vocational education and training.

The programme supports 30 vocational training institutes in providing inclusive and needs-based initial, further and advanced training in environment-related and digital competences. There is a focus on training skilled workers for the energy and forestry industries and in the area of environmental technology – key areas for the green transformation.

The programme also advises the responsible Ministry of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs and vocational training institutes on improving the international compatibility of TVET. At the same time, it advises on further developing a model for skilled labour migration for climate-related sectors to support Viet Nam's development.

The measures help to increase the trainees' chances of finding good jobs and make TVET more attractive.

A woman in a laboratory looks at treated wastewater in a container.

Last update: May 2024

Additional information


Five trainees wearing helmets and training clothes sit next to a solar power system while a teacher explains the equipment.

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Viet Nam is marked on a section of a map.

Viet Nam