Improving framework conditions for preventing violence
Project description
Title: Inclusive Violence and Crime Prevention III
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Co-funded by: Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
Country: South Africa
Lead executing agency: Department of Cooperative Governance as chair of a national Steering Committee
Overall term: 2012 to 2024

Quality of life and participation in public life require freedom from any form of violence. However, in South Africa interpersonal violence is an obstacle to the country’s development. A primary cause is the significant inequality as a lasting consequence of the social and spatial segregation of society during apartheid.
As a result of factors such as experiencing violence in childhood, drug abuse or unemployment, young people are particularly at risk of becoming perpetrators or victims of violence. South Africa also has extremely high rates of gender-based violence, driven primarily by patriarchal gender norms. The rate of femicide in the country is more than five times higher than the global average.
The framework conditions for implementing national strategies to prevent (gender-based) violence have improved.

Effective violence prevention requires contributions from many different sectors such as youth social work, urban development, education and policing. It is therefore particularly important to coordinate actors in the public sector and civil society. As a result, the project promotes the framework conditions required to implement comprehensive and gender-sensitive prevention strategies on a local level through inclusive partnerships:
- The project supports government and non-governmental stakeholders to empower children and young people to become changemakers for safety and resilience.
- It strengthens municipalities and non-governmental organisations as well as representatives of religious organisations to prevent violence in local communities by applying holistic and evidence-informed approaches at a local level.
- The project promotes long-term implementation and financing strategies for national prevention policies that involve the government and civil society working together.
- In order to promote an active dialogue between actors involved in preventing violence, the project also supports knowledge and learning networks.
Last update: May 2022