Supporting the ECOWAS Commission on Organisational Development
Project description
Title: Support to the ECOWAS Commission on Organisational Development
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Co-funded by: European Union
Country: All 15 member states of the ECOWAS
Lead executing agency: The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS); ECOWAS Commission
Overall term: 2019 to 2022

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was established in 1975 with the purpose of promoting economic integration and cooperation in the region.
Despite ongoing institutional reforms, the implementation and effective use of existing tools for result-based management remain a challenge. The strategies and organisational processes do not lead to the desired effects.
As a result, the implementation rate of the ECOWAS Commission’s programmes is slow.
The institutional capacities for promoting political and economic integration in the ECOWAS Commission have been improved.
The project aims to make the internal processes of the ECOWAS Commission more effective. Implementing partners at the Commission are the Office of the Vice-President, its Directorate for Strategic Planning and the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, the Communication Directorate, the Departments of Human Resources and Finance, the Ethics Office and the Directorate of Internal Audit and Evaluation of Operations at the ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID).
The areas of intervention are:
- Developing the ECOWAS Vision 2050 and its strategic documents;
- Enhancing the results-based management;
- Introducing Learning and Development for employees on internal processes;
- Improving compliance of the financial management with international standards.
The project is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and co-funded by the European Union.
Last update: September 2021