Sino-German cooperation on electro-mobility

Project description

Title: Advisory services and support for Sino-German cooperation on electro-mobility – Phase II
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
Country: China
Overall term: 2017 to 2020


Electro-mobility is a key factor in linking up the transformation of the energy and transport sectors and ensuring long-term climate and environmental protection. The Chinese Government is supporting the launch of electro-mobility on the market perhaps more than any other country in the world – from extensive funding for research and development to financial incentives for buying electric vehicles. Germany also wants to position itself as a lead market and lead provider for electro-mobility technology. The German Government is working closely with the Chinese Government in this area to promote electro-mobility as an environmentally friendly technology and strengthen its position as an industry hub in Germany with almost 800,000 jobs in the automotive sector. The focus is on dismantling technical and legal trade barriers and establishing equal requirements for all providers in order to accelerate the market launch of electro-mobility.


Trade barriers have been dismantled in the Chinese market and new ones prevented from emerging. German manufacturers gain access to the market more easily and the market launch of electro-mobility is under way in both countries.


The project fosters dialogue between the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). It advises BMWi on regulatory, technological and economic developments in electro-mobility in China, arranges contacts and provides organisational support.

Among other things, the project helps with preparing the content for the annual meeting of the Sino-German Strategic Platform on Electro-Mobility between BMWi and MIIT. It also prepares BMWi delegations and fact-finding tours to China. Discussions with the German automotive industry on current developments in the Chinese market for vehicles with innovative energy drives foster dialogue on electro-mobility market developments. Industry representatives from both countries take part in the talks.

Technical standards must be harmonised to ensure free market access in both countries. Consequently, the project promotes a coordinated approach to standardisation in China and Germany. To this end, it facilitates dialogue on current technical issues between the two countries’ standardisation institutions and industry representatives. These activities serve to dismantle trade barriers, thereby allowing electric vehicles to be launched on the Chinese market.


Dialogue between policymakers and industry representatives on market development has enabled trade barriers to be recognised, discussed and addressed.

The shared objectives of cooperation have been reaffirmed. New, relevant issues regarding electro-mobility have been identified in order to further consolidate cooperation between Germany and China.

The mutual understanding between China and Germany with regard to their respective standardisation processes has been reinforced and a joint work plan drawn up. This will allow German and Chinese institutions to compare and align their standards in future.

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