Improving basic education and opportunities for starting a career
Project description
Title: Promotion of basic education in Guinea II
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Co-funded by: European Union (EU)
Country: Guinea
Lead executing agency: Ministère de l’Enseignement Pré-Universitaire et de l’Alphabétisation (MEPU-A) / Ministry of pre-tertiary Education and Literacy (MEPU-A)
Overall term: 2020 to 2023

The extremely low level of education and training of Guinea’s population is a significant barrier to the country’s development. Low school enrolment rates, short-term school attendance and a low level of literacy among adults are just some of the factors that contribute to this. Teacher training and development are outdated in terms of methodology and fail to provide adequate preparation for the difficult teaching conditions. What is more, they do not incorporate any new educational approaches, gender-sensitive teaching methods or digital technologies.
The situation for young people is particularly difficult, as the education system is unable to meet training requirements. When young people of working age do find work, it is often in the informal sector where there is a lack of job security. This kind of work is badly paid and provides no social security.
Primary pupils and young people of working age benefit from improvements in the education system and from employment promotion services.
The project supports its partner schools in five regions in Guinea in implementing new educational approaches, school hygiene measures and school administration. Through advisory services provided to the Ministry of Education, these approaches will be incorporated into the national ten-year education strategy, thus anchoring them in the education system in the long term.
Within the areas of action for the socio-economic integration of young people (INTEGRA), which is cofinanced by the European Union from the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, the project works in the following areas:
- It improves services for primary pupils, to provide them with careers guidance and general skills.
- It promotes professional short-term training courses.
- It develops young people's entrepreneurial skills, implemented by GOPA Worldwide Consultants GmbH.
Last updated: June 2022