German-Mexican Energy Partnership
Project description
Title: German-Mexican Energy Partnership
Commissioned by: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Country: Mexico
Lead executing agency: Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID)
Overall term: 2016 to 2023

All around the world, the supply of energy is undergoing fundamental change. Wind power, photovoltaics and green hydrogen are key technologies and are creating new trade relationships. Mexico’s climate and geographical location provide ideal conditions for generating and exporting green energy. The Mexican-German Energy Partnership, financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), facilitates regular dialogue between German and Mexican stakeholders. It serves as a platform to support trade in climate-friendly energy sources, strengthens the sharing of expertise and technology, and contributes to achieving a successful energy transition in both countries.
With its energy transition, Mexico is increasing the use of renewable energy and decarbonising the economy.
The Energy Partnership facilitates political and technical dialogue through events, research, training, delegation missions and social media communication. The dialogue involves stakeholders from the Government and the private sector as well as representatives of the Mexican states and experts from the scientific community and civil society.
The priority areas for the Energy Partnership include:
- Dialogue on the energy transition
- Green hydrogen and power-to-X
- Energy security and decarbonisation
The Partnership is coordinated by a secretariat with offices in Mexico City and Berlin. It acts as the first point of contact and source of information for all Partnership activities. The Energy Partnership has become a key platform for Mexican-German dialogue on the energy transition.

Last update: June 2024