Study and Expert Fund Education

Project description

Title: Study and Expert Fund Education in Malawi
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Malawi
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST)
Overall term: 2016 to 2018

Malawi. Boys and girls in the classroom. © GIZ


Germany has been supporting the education sector in Malawi since the mid-1990s. Almost all school-age children are now enrolled in school following the introduction of free primary education in 1994. However, neither the development of school infrastructure nor the quality of education has kept pace with this development. Classes are overflowing, there is a lack of qualified teachers and classroom numbers are insufficient. The number of students having to repeat a year or dropping out of school is therefore high, and learning outcomes are also low by regional comparison.

The National Education Sector Plan (2008-2017) and the ensuing second Education Sector Implementation Plan (ESIP II) define the main fields of activity and approaches designed to ensure more equitable access to education, education quality and management. National education planning and management are, however, often still inefficient. Professional skills, task prioritisation, organisational resources and planning expertise are inadequate. Additional technical advice is therefore needed to implement the education sector’s strategic priorities more effectively.


The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology carries out its second Education Sector Implementation Plan more effectively and more efficiently.


The programme is helping Malawi’s MoEST to set up a Study and Expert Fund administered by GIZ. The fund is focusing on professional, organisational and process development. It will thereby strengthen MoEST’s capacities for implementing the measures that will achieve the goals of the National Education Sector Plan. The entire spectrum of primary, secondary and tertiary education will be covered. MoEST staff responsible for implementation are able to request advisory services and resources from the fund for deploying experts, commissioning studies and carrying out activities as part of these development processes.

The programme’s advisory services include advice on technical and process issues and support in managing and organising expert contracts and deployments. The programme is working in three fields of activity:

  1. Improving MoEST’s management and decision-making structures and processes for handling funding applications.
    In order to support implementation of ESIP II, the programme will assist technical working groups and departments in identifying funding requirements, deciding which applications are eligible for funding and providing information.
  2. Strengthening the capacities of staff responsible for coordination and strategic orientation.
    MoEST staff who are responsible for handling the key issues contained in ESIP II will be given support to develop their coordination capacities. A management committee will also be set up to strengthen strategic orientation in sector planning.
  3. Supporting strategies for educating girls and promoting inclusion. The relevant MoEFT departments work closely with one another on assessing applications. In addition, 30 per cent of funds are earmarked for projects designed to support inclusive education and education for girls.

Processes and participants’ responsibilities were jointly defined with MoEFT at the start of the programme. All the major actors have been informed about the Study and Expert Fund Education, and possible areas in which funding applications can be submitted have been identified. Two rounds of applications have now taken place. The management committee has already approved funding for projects in tertiary and secondary education.