Make-IT in Africa
Project description
Title: Make-IT in Africa II
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Co-funded by: European Commission
Country: Pan-African
Overall term: 2020 to 2024
Digital visionaries in Africa are developing innovative solutions that can positively impact people’s lives and environment. However, many African countries lack the necessary conditions that allow innovative ideas to bring about real changes. Numerous factors – from difficulties in accessing training courses and markets through to a lack of networks and inadequate innovation policies – prevent innovative ideas from developing their full potential.
Make-IT in Africa believes that only a collaborative and systemic approach can overcome these obstacles and create an environment that promotes innovation.
National and pan-African innovation ecosystems are fit for the future and create a resilient environment for digital visionaries. New products and services are bringing about social, ecological and economic change in African regions.

Make-IT in Africa strengthens African innovation ecosystems in three areas:
- Start-ups: The project supports start-ups in aligning their business models with market conditions and trains them in shaping regional and international partnerships. There is a focus on green technology, smart city solutions and promoting women entrepreneurs.
- Promoting innovation: Make-IT in Africa enables networks, innovation hubs and other innovation promoters to provide high-quality services for start-ups. The project connects national actors with their pan-African counterparts. Moreover, through the African-European Digital Innovation Bridge (AEDIB) – an initiative of the European Commission and several European Union member states – African-European exchange is promoted.
- Political environment: To allow successful national approaches for digital innovation to be used across borders, the project supports the development of scalable methods and instruments. It also encourages African decision-makers to establish an environment that is conducive to innovation.
Last update: March 2022