Promotion of development partnerships with the private sector
Project description
Title: Promotion of development partnerships with the private sector (phase III), Competence Center for the Private Sector (CCPS)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Madagascar
Lead executing agency: Economic Development Board Madagascar (EDBM)
Overall term: 2017 to 2022
In Madagascar, cooperation between the state and private companies is an important prerequisite for promoting the country’s development and achieving the economic goals that it has set itself. Development partnerships with the private sector (DPP) are therefore of great importance in the context of German-Madagascan development cooperation. In this way, business objectives can be linked to economic development goals.
Initiating and structuring new development partnerships with the private sector demands a great deal of time and resources. To date, numerous factors needed to set up these partnerships in a structured manner and cover the entire development cooperation portfolio have been lacking: knowledge of the possibilities and basic conditions on the part of the state and in companies, networking and match-making with possible partners, and knowledge and resources for initiating and structuring the partnerships.
Companies, the state and development cooperation organisations are better able to implement development partnerships with the private sector.

The project advises Madagascan and international companies as well as other development cooperation projects and government agencies on cooperation possibilities. It does this, for example, through the ‘develoPPP’ project. In addition, it supports Madagascan companies in establishing contacts with international companies at trade fairs and similar events. The aim here is to give Madagascan companies better access to international markets. The project also strengthens the Economic Development Board of Madagascar (EDBM) in this role.
In addition, the project is responsible for the implementation of development partnerships. Currently, there are 12 such partnerships with different companies in Madagascar, particularly in the agriculture and food sector.
Last update: August 2021