ICT-based Adaptation to Climate Change in Cities (completed)

Project description

Title: ICT-based Adaptation to Climate Change in Cities
Commissioned by: Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU); im Rahmen der Internationalen Klimaschutzinitiative (IKI)
Country: Global: Mexico, India, Peru
Lead executing agency: Mexico: Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE), Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional al Desarrollo (AMEXCID), Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT); India: Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD); Peru: Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros (PCM)
Overall term: 2017 to 2020

2018-04 Adaptation Trujillo


Information and communication technologies (ICT)-based approaches to collect, assess and simulate local climate-scenarios enable city administrations and political representatives to obtain the necessary information for developing and implementing local adaptation strategies. In crisis situations the potentials of ICT-based approaches have become apparent. Climate change particularly affects urban areas with high population and infrastructure densities. By 2050 approximately 66 per cent of the world population will live in cities, thus increasing the importance of climate change adaptation for cities and metropolitan regions. National strategies are already taking climate change into account. In many cases, however, data is not available, which makes it difficult for cities to implement adaption strategies. Moreover, public institutions often lack the capacities to utilise these technologies and the necessary involvement of civil society in the existing governance, planning and crisis management structures.


Cities utilize information and communication technologies (ICT) to strengthen their climate resilience.

2018-05 Expiatorio Guadalajara


The project advises on the development, implementation and dissemination of ICT-based, participatory approaches. Findings from three pilot cities in India, Mexico and Peru will be used, which deal with different risk scenarios. The approaches will be prepared and introduced to the international discourse in cooperation with German and international partners.

In order to ensure the ICT approaches can be scaled up, the project is using the Open Source approach at the technical level. At the same time, guidelines are being developed that describe not only the technical solution, but also its possible integration into urban management and planning processes as well as the participatory approach.

This project is developing the competencies of city staff members on ICT-supported data collection and analysis methods so that the same approaches can also be used in other local contexts. 

In addition, the project will utilise national and international networks and specialised events, and focus on promoting exchange between German and international actors. At the same time, virtual platforms and communication channels will be used for peer learning between the cities and raising awareness among the population.

2017-12 Downtown Guadalajara