Organic sesame and avocado oil in Ethiopia

Project description

Title: Building an Avocado and Sesame Value Chain in Ethiopia (develoPPP)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Ethiopia
Partner: Tradin Organic Agriculture B.V.
Overall term: 2018 to 2023



The south-west region of Ethiopia is the second-largest producer of avocados in sub-Saharan Africa. However, the avocado sector in Ethiopia is still in its infancy and most of the avocados are exported in an unprocessed form or sold on the local market, which generates little added value – such as income – domestically.

Ethiopia also ranks among the world’s five largest exporters of sesame. Growing conditions are excellent and the varieties are appreciated internationally. However, high post-harvest losses, a lack of quality seeds and low mechanisation represent challenges for producers. Furthermore, many of them do not have access to premium markets as their harvests often do not meet the high standards needed for the international market. Rectifying this situation would allow them to generate higher incomes than before.


Local added value of the organic sesame and avocado sector in Ethiopia is increased.



The project is working together with the international food company, Tradin Organic Agriculture B.V. Sustainable supply chains are being established together with a local subsidiary in order to produce organic avocado oil and organic sesame. These supply chains cover the entire process from cultivation to processing and export.

The partners provide smallholder farmers with training in both environmentally friendly farming methods and entrepreneurial knowledge. The approach that has been adopted is to train trainers, who, in turn, can then pass on their newly acquired knowledge. Practical assistance is also provided in the form of machinery for sesame cultivation and climbing gear for avocado harvesting.

In line with its approach to sustainability, the project seeks to evaluate the reuse of the by-products in oil production, for example through a biogas plant or the marketing of avocado pulp.

Stable market access and premium prices for the farmers are to be achieved by assisting them in obtaining organic and social certification and by securing fair purchase agreements. Since Ethiopia seeks to ensure that the production and value creation from avocados and sesame have a solid base, the partners work together with local research institutes and technical colleges (TVETs).


Last update: December 2022

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