Strengthening the livelihoods of the rural population
Project description
Title: Strengthening sustainable livelihoods in rural areas II
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Palestinian territories
Lead executing agency: Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
Overall term: 2021 to 2024

In the Palestinian territories, agriculture is an important pillar of macroeconomic development and secures the livelihoods of the rural population. Around three-quarters of all rural households work in agriculture as a second job.
Agricultural production is also part of social security. However, the political situation and the occupation-related conflicts in the Palestinian territories, combined with climate change, are jeopardising this function. Moreover, price rises due to the war in Ukraine are having a negative impact on financially weak households in rural areas.

The economic prospects of the rural population of the West Bank have improved.
The project builds on the experience and approaches of the predecessor project, and helps to develop, disseminate and mainstream this in the long term. It operates in the following four fields of action:
1. Expanding agricultural advisory services
The project supports and expands agricultural advisory services, such as those offered by the Ministry of Agriculture, with the aim of reaching more small farmers and providing them with more targeted support.
2. Increasing water availability
Together with partner organisations, the project is improving the irrigation infrastructure in order to increase water availability and reduce irrigation costs for farmers.
3. Promoting rural households
In rural households and cooperatives, the project is working with partner organisations to improve agricultural production, food processing and marketing, and business development and management.
4. Supporting savings groups and businesswomen
The project supports local women’s savings groups who are saving capital and thus creating a basis for being awarded small loans. Moreover, the women participating are receiving training in developing and implementing business ideas.

Last update: November 2022